
We’re here to help with sales, install questions & support

21640 N 14th AVE, Suite B4, Phoenix, AZ


Interested in Flush Mount? Our team is here to answer your questions and get you started.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    + - How is flush mount different from other products on the market?

    Flush Mount is only 3 pieces.  Competitive products on the market can have as many as 12.  We are also at a more competitive price point.

    + - How hard is it to remove the faceplate for service?

    The face plate snaps off by placing a flat head screwdriver in the bottom notch.  It is secure enough to remain in place if hit but easily snaps off without creating drywall damage.

    + - Your product is made from plastic. How easily will the paint scratch off?

    Our products are made with a special paint accepting plastic.  We have extensively tested the durability of the paint and it does not come off.  This coating also allows the outlets and switches to be repainted.